2.5 Ton 16 SEER Multi Speed MrCool Signature Central Air Conditioner Split System - Multiposition (2024)

What Is the Best AC Temperature for the Summer?

When it gets hotter during the summer, it can be challenging to keep your home cool without increasing your energy expenses. Staying cool inside often means leaving your AC on all of the time, driving up your cooling costs. Finding the best summer temperature for your AC will help you stay comfortable without costing you too much money.

Along with finding the perfect summer AC temperature, using different tricks and tools to cool your house will save energy costs and maintain a cool indoor environment. Find the best temperature and strategies for staying cool all summer long below.

Why 78 Degrees Is the Best Temperature in the Summer

Yourcomfortable indoor temperaturemight change depending on clothing, outdoor temperature, activity or preferences. Everyone is different and will have a favorite coolness and warmth setting for their home. While every homeowner has their comfort temperature,Energy Star recommends setting thermostats to 78 degrees Fahrenheitin the summer when you're home.

Many people think 72 degrees is a suitable temperature for summer air conditioning, but it's actually too low to help you save money. For your home, 78 degrees is the best temperature in the summer since it's cool enough that you aren't overheating but close enough to hotter outdoor temperatures that your AC doesn't have to work as hard to maintain it. The closer the indoor temperature is to outdoor conditions, the lower your energy bill.

2.5 Ton 16 SEER Multi Speed MrCool Signature Central Air Conditioner Split System - Multiposition (1)

What Is the Best Temperature for Sleeping?

For nighttime, you want the temperature to be lower. The National Sleep Foundation recommends setting your ACbetween 60 and 67 degrees to get the best sleep. Your body cools down as you fall asleep, so sleeping in a cool room helps you get to sleep better. Since the temperature cools down at night, you can lower your AC without increasing your energy bill too much — the system won't have to use as much energy to achieve the cooler temperature, and you'll sleep better when you aren't hot.

If you can sleep with the AC set higher at night, leave the temperature above 70. Use fans, open windows, thin pajamas and light sheets to help you stay cool while you're sleeping. Summer nights are much cooler than days, so take advantage and let night air flow through your house with open windows for a natural alternative to using the AC.

What Is the Best Temperature for Babies?

Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) standards keep newborn roomsbetween 72 and 78 degrees to regulate infant temperatures. Since babies aren't as good at regulating their body temperatures, you'll want to keep their rooms at a comfortably warm level.

For babies and toddlers,65 to 70 degreesis a good level to keep their rooms at. If you are unsure of exactly what temperature to set, aim for something slightly warmer and ensure it's a level you would be comfortable wearing a T-shirt in.

What Is the Best Temperature for Older Adults?

Older adults should set their homes to at least70 degreesto keep their bodies regulated in summer. As we get older, we become more sensitive to cold and heat. Older adults need to stay at a comfortable temperature to prevent overheating or hypothermia. To save energy costs, close doors and vents in rooms you don't use so your AC focuses on rooms you'll be in. Stay hydrated and cover windows to keep the house cool.

2.5 Ton 16 SEER Multi Speed MrCool Signature Central Air Conditioner Split System - Multiposition (2)

What Is the Best Temperature for Pets and Plants?

We aren't the only living things in our homes — our pets and plants need to stay happy and healthy, too. Whether you have animals or greenery inside, set your house climate to something that suits them.

For dogs and cats, temperatures from 68 to 75 degrees during the day work well. Animals with longer hair might not handle heat as well as short-haired pets, so lower the AC if you have especially furry friends. If you have spiders, snakes, lizards, birds, rodents or some other kind of pet, they might have more specific climate needs. Do some research and talk to pet store employees to find out the best temperature for your pet.

If you have houseplants, you'll need to keep them in the best growing conditions. Many houseplants, while highly adaptable, are tropical. Many plants can tolerate 58- to 86-degree environments, butkeeping them in rooms 70 to 80 degreesis best for their health. At night, you can lower the temperature to 65-70 degrees. Use pebble trays with water for a cost-effective humidity-producer for your plants.

What Is the Best Temperature for Your Belongings?

While our first thought when cooling our house is our family members, our belongings can become damaged if they get too hot. If you have significant family photographs, documents and prints, the National Archives recommendsstoring them in cool placesbelow 75 degrees. This helps protect them from chemical decay and fading.

For your electronics, try to prevent them from overheating. Components can suffer if exposed to more extreme temperatures, so keep them in moderate conditions. Laptops are built tofunction between 50 and 95 degrees, but room temperature — around 68-74 degrees — is best for keeping them in working order.

Most belongings can handle the same indoor temperatures you can, so don't worry too much about your belongings during the summer. If you think it's getting too hot in your house for your belongings, move them to a cool, dark space for protection.

2.5 Ton 16 SEER Multi Speed MrCool Signature Central Air Conditioner Split System - Multiposition (3)

Tips for Staying Cool During the Summer

While 78 degrees is the best temperature for your AC in summer, it can be on the warmer side for many people. If your house feels too hot, you could end up adjusting the AC again, driving up your energy bill. To help keep your home comfortable, try some of these helpful tips.

Use Fans

Fans and ventilation are an excellent way to keep cool during hot periods. Use small electric fans to blow air onto you and stay refreshed in summer. For an extra cooling breeze, place a bowl of ice in front of the fan. As the ice melts, the cool water vapor blows onto you with the help of the fan.

Remember that fans cool people and not rooms — small fans are great for keeping the heat off you but won't cool down an entire space. Always turn fans off when you aren't in the room — this can help save you money on your electric bill.

To help with humidity, use bathroom fans. Too much moisture can make a room feel even hotter than it is, so turn off any humidifiers while inside. While you shower, put the bathroom fans on to remove that excess humidity. Consider buying dehumidifiers if your home's humidity is too high. Dehumidifiers help remove the moisture from a space, making it feel cooler, so you don't need to lower your temperature.

Change the Ceiling Fan Direction

Along with the smaller box, desk or oscillating fans, ceiling fans are perfect for getting a gentle breeze. They work great and send out lots of air so you don't feel the summer heat. In summer, always make sure fans are spinning counterclockwise. This direction pushes the cool air down, blowing it onto you instead of pulling it up. Ceiling fans will help you feel cooler without using the AC unit.

Increase the Temperature While You're Away

Set your thermostat higher when you're not home for higher energy savings. Setting the thermostat 7-10 degrees higher than its usual setting for eight hours a daycan save you up to 10%on your yearly cooling bill. By not having your house constantly cooling when you aren't there, your AC system will use less energy, work less hard and last longer.

If you can't set your thermostat that high for eight hours every day, any time spent with the system set higher will still help save you money. A few hours every day at a higher setting will reduce the work your AC system is doing and lower the amount you'll have to spend on cooling costs. Try turning the AC off at night when it's cooler if possible and use fans or open windows to keep you from overheating.

Close Shades and Weatherstrip Doors

Closing shades or using good curtains to cover the windows during the day keeps the heat out and the cool in. Sunlight and warmth come through uncovered windows during the day, heating your home and causing your AC to kick on more frequently. Blocking the sunlight with closed shades or thick curtains will prevent most of the heat from sneaking indoors during the day.

Weatherstripping doors and windows is a great way to insulate your house against heat and cold. Small gaps and cracks between door and window frames allow air to travel in and out of your house. Larger holes and leaks will let the cool air inside escape, making your AC work harder and heating up your home. Put quality weatherstripping on your doors and windows to create an insulated barrier, trapping the cool air indoors and keeping your house cool.

Avoid Using Heat-Generating Appliances

Appliances like ovens, stoves and dryers can raise indoor temperatures. Try to use them after 8 p.m. to avoid heating the house. If you have to use them during the day, try to run them only once to reduce the heat entering your home. While these appliances don't always raise temperatures a lot, any excess heat sitting in your home will cause the AC to work harder, increasing energy costs.

Open Windows at Night

Opening your windows at night is a great, cost-effective way to cool your house down. Cooler night air and breezes can flow through the house, lowering the temperature and saving your AC unit from having to do all the work. Turn your AC off at night and let the nighttime air blow inside, relieving you from the day's heat. Just make sure your unit can handle frequent turning on and off — repeatedly switching a unit on may wear it out, so consider getting a variable-speed unit to avoid this issue.

While opening windows in the evening and at night is an excellent way to stay cool, keep your windows closed during the day. Open windows will let the heat and warmth of summer travel inside while the cool AC air gets sucked out. Even if there's a gentle daytime breeze, it won't be enough to keep the house cool without making your AC system work harder. Keep windows closed and covered during the day and open them at night for the best, least expensive cooling.

Get Seasonal AC Maintenance

You rely on your AC system to keep you cool during hot summers, and the last thing you want is an unexpected issue or outage. Forgetting seasonal AC maintenance is acommon air conditioning mistakethat can cost you a lot.

Your AC constantly runs during the summer, so it needs routine maintenance to work correctly. A damaged or unmaintained unit can run less efficiently, working harder to cool the home and costing you more money on your cooling bills. The more you put off maintenance, the more likely you will need a more extensive, more expensive repair down the road.

AC maintenance will check for issues, perform tune-ups and catch concerns before they turn into problems. Get your AC system checked at least once a year before the summer starts to keep your unit running efficiently for the whole summer.

Seasonal maintenance will help prevent problems that cause your AC to go out, which would leave you stuck without a cool house in the middle of summer. Look into local companies' maintenance programs — they're often low-cost and easy to get. Some AC systems will even have seasonal check-ups included in their warranties for easy servicing.

Get a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are a convenient way to help reduce energy costs. Installing a programmable thermostat allows you to set a schedule, setting different temperatures at different times. With a programmable unit, you don't have to remember to change the thermostat when you leave or come back home. The system will do it automatically based on the schedule you've set for each day.

Setting a schedule and letting the house stay warmer will help cut energy costs at the push of a button. You can set different schedules for specific days, allowing you to keep the house cool all weekend when you're home and letting the house warm up during the day while you're at work. Look at installing energy-efficient thermostats or AC systems and potentiallyreceiving energy rebates, saving even more.

Stay Cool and Save on Your Energy Bill

Using intelligent strategies when cooling your home will help you increase your energy efficiency and save you money during the summer. Energy-conscious systems might let you qualify for energy rebates, saving you even more on your energy bills, and programmable thermostats allow easy control over your AC system for lower cooling costs. Maximize your home's temperature system affordably with quality air conditioning products.

With over 30 years of experience, Ingram's Water & Air offers expert resources and high-quality HVAC products to ensure your home is as comfortable and cost-efficient as possible. Explore ourheating and air conditioning optionsto find the best system for your home today.

2.5 Ton 16 SEER Multi Speed MrCool Signature Central Air Conditioner Split System - Multiposition (2024)


Are MRCOOL central AC units any good? ›

Is MRCOOL a trusted and reliable HVAC appliance brand? Yes, absolutely! MRCOOL is routinely one of the best-reviewed and most popular HVAC brands on the market. Hundreds of thousands of consumers have installed a MRCOOL unit in their homes without needing to have a technician come out.

How much can a 2.5 ton AC cool? ›

1.5 Tons600 - 900 sf600 - 950 sf
2 Tons901 - 1200 sf951 - 1250 sf
2.5 Tons1201 - 1500 sf1251 - 1550 sf
3 Tons1501 - 1800 sf1501 - 1850 sf
3 more rows

Do MRCOOL mini splits heat well? ›

Rather than having a separate furnace and air conditioner like a conventional HVAC system, households can do both with one mini split system. MRCOOL mini splits are able to heat just as well as they're able to cool.

Who makes MRCOOL Signature Series? ›

What company makes MRCOOL Air Conditioners? All MRCOOL products, including Mini Splits, Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps and Furnaces, are designed, created and manufactured by MRCOOL.

How long will MRCOOL last? ›

How long will your MRCOOL DIY mini-split last? On average, mini-split heat pump systems have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. However, the actual lifespan of your system will depend on a number of factors, including the frequency of maintenance and the local climate in which it is used.

Is Goodman better than MRCOOL? ›

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings measure the efficiency of a cooling system. Both Goodman and MRCOOL offer mini-split systems with high SEER ratings, but MRCOOL's units tend to have higher ratings overall.

What size return do I need for a 2.5 ton AC unit? ›

For instance a 2.5 ton system (Approximately 400 CFM per ton) would require (2) 14” flexible return ducts or (1) very short flexible 18” duct to move the 1000 CFM required by the 2.5 ton system.

How long does a 2.5 ton AC unit last? ›

Modern air conditioners can last between 15-20 years, and older air conditioners last around 10-12 years.

What size furnace do I need for a 2.5 ton air conditioner? ›

Furnace and Air Conditioner size for a detached 2-storey home
House square footage *Furnace Output [BTU/hr]Air Conditioner size [ton]
1300 to 1700 sq ft45,000 BTU/hr2 ton
1700 to 2500 sq ft55,000 BTU/hr2.5 ton
2500 to 3500 sq ftup to 65,000 BTU/hr3 to 3.5 ton
3500 to 4500 sq ftup to 80,000 BTU/hr4 to 5 ton
3 more rows
May 26, 2017

What brand compressor does MRCOOL use? ›

MR Cool > Our Products > Compressors. MR COOL invites you to discover the advantages of TEc*msEH's broad range of energy efficient and reliable reciprocating compressors for household air conditioning and commercial refrigeration.

How efficient is MRCOOL? ›

This unit is a 25 SEER which is super efficient and will draw as little as 288 watts to a max of 1,480 watts an hour.

Does MRCOOL work in cold weather? ›

Unlike traditional heat pumps, the MrCool Universal can heat effectively below freezing. It can even heat effectively below zero, and keep heating effectively down into negative double digits. It can keep a 1500 sf house at 70 degrees in -20 and below.

Why does my MrCool Mini split stink? ›

A stale or cheesy mini split smell is a sign of a mold problem. It's called Dirty Sock Syndrome because people often describe it as smelling like an old gym bag. The cause is mold and mildew building up inside the air handler, usually on the coil.

How many BTUs do I need to cool 800 square feet? ›

17,000 BTU

What is the difference between MrCool 3rd generation and 4th generation? ›

The higher the SEER rating, the more efficiently the unit operates. MRCOOL's new 4th GEN DIY single zone offers increased SEER ratings over their 3rd generation counterparts. MRCOOL's 12K single zone unit boasts a 22 SEER rating. The 12K, 18K, and 24K units come with an Energy Star certification.

How many years do mini splits last? ›

When adequately maintained, it's estimated that most mini split ductless air conditioners last for about 20 years. This is far beyond the 12 to 15 years that most conventional systems last, so it's fairly safe to assume that your mini split system will last longer than most other options.

What are the disadvantages of a mini split system? ›

Disadvantages. The primary disadvantage of mini-splits is their cost. Such systems cost about $1,500 to $2,000 per ton (12,000 Btu per hour) of cooling capacity. This is about 30% more than central systems (not including ductwork) and may cost twice as much as window units of similar capacity.

What is the lifespan of a split system air conditioner? ›

Most split systems are built to last around 7 years. If you need to repair your air con after this time, it can be notoriously difficult to find parts from the original manufacturer, which only carry parts for 7 years. The better brands of air conditioner, for example, Daikin, are renowned for lasting 10 plus years.

Who is the owner of MRCOOL? ›

Wisdom to Keep You Cool

In case you don't know, I'm Magnus Cool, owner, founder, and fearless leader of MrCool.com. I want to tell you why my company, MrCool, manufactures the best ductless mini-split heat pumps on the market.

What is the highest SEER rating for MRCOOL? ›

24k unit is the biggest Mr COOL unit that has a 20 SEER rating.

Who makes the most efficient HVAC? ›

Lennox offers the most efficient air conditioner in the world and AirPLus is a Lennox Premiere Dealer.

How long does it take to install a 2.5 ton AC unit? ›

On average, it will take between 4 to 8 hours to replace an air conditioner. If you are replacing both your furnace and air conditioning unit at the same time, then the job will take between 8 to 14 hours.

What is the average cost to replace a 2.5 ton AC unit? ›

Costs by AC Unit and Coil Size
AC Unit & Coil Size (Tons and Cooling BTU's)Average Installed Cost with Labor
2 Ton AC Unit (24,000 BTU)$1,800 – $3,950
2.5 Ton AC Unit (30,000 BTU)$2,245 – $4,850
3 Ton AC Unit (36,000 BTU)$2,810 – $5,960
3.5 Ton AC Unit (42,000 BTU)$3,310 – $6,450
3 more rows
Jun 8, 2023

Is 2 ton AC enough for 250 square feet? ›

The room size for 2 ton AC will be around 200 to 240 square feet. However, the figure will be between 180 and 200 if the space is a cooling facility for equipment or an electrical panel room. This is the 2 ton AC cooling capacity you must know.

How many rooms can a 2-ton AC cool? ›

A 2-ton split AC cannot cool rooms beyond 215 sq. ft. Moreover, it would be best to have a multi-split air conditioner to cool two rooms with a single AC.

How big a room can 2-ton AC cool? ›

A 2-ton split AC is best suited for larger rooms, measuring up to 240 sq. ft of space.

Can I replace a 2.5 ton AC with a 3-ton? ›

Probably not. Generally most units are oversized and a high percentage of ductwork is undersized for the unit. A clue is if there is only one return which means the installer wanted to put as little effort as possible into the ductwork. Going from 2-ton to 3-ton is a 50% increase in necessary airflow.

What SEER rating do I need for my house? ›

Since January 2006, all residential air conditioners sold in the United States must have a SEER of at least 13. ENERGY STAR qualified central air conditioners must have a SEER of at least 14. By upgrading from SEER 9 to SEER 14, you can reduce your energy consumption by more than 35%.

How do I know if my AC unit is big enough? ›

Use these guidelines to find the appropriate BTU/hour rating. You need approximately 6,000 BTUs to cool an area under 300 square feet, 10,000 BTUs for 301 to 549 sqft., 16,000 BTUs for 550 to 999 sqft., 22,000 BTUs for 1,000 to 1,199 sqft., 30,000 BTUs for 1,500 to 1,999 sqft.

Can I use a 2.5 ton condenser with a 2 ton air handler? ›

In spite of the nay sayers here yes you can and it can work very well. You will indeed have to install an expansion valve that matches the condenser capacity. It also depends on the type of evaporator coil and furnace or Air Handler that you have.

What size breaker does MRCOOL use? ›

The the 27,000 btu rating for the outdoor unit is the maximum capacity of the unit. It can operate at less than maximum but at least 60%. Most localities require an outdoor disconnect within 3 ft of the outdoor unit. The 10/2 WG wire is OK with up to a 30 amp breaker.

What size MRCOOL do I need? ›

For cooling capacity, multiply the square footage by 20 BTUs. For heating capacity, multiply the square footage by 30 BTUs. For example, if you want to cool a 300 square foot room, you would need a MRCOOL DIY unit with at least 6,000 BTUs (300 sq ft x 20 BTUs).

Which type of compressor is best for split AC? ›

Rotary compressors are the preferred option when operating noise is a factor. They are quiet, have a modest footprint, and do not suffer from vibration as much as other compressors. In the unit, a bladed shaft rotates within a graduated cylinder to push and compress refrigerant at the same time.

What thermostat works with MRCOOL? ›

MRCOOL MiniStat IR WiFi Thermostat for Ductless Mini Split

The MRCOOL WiFi thermostat is compatible with MRCOOL DIY, Advantage, Olympus ES, Hyper Heat, and all MRCOOL Multi-Zone Series mini split air conditioners.

What voltage does MRCOOL use? ›

115v - MRCOOL - Heat Pump - Mini Split Air Conditioners - Heating, Venting & Cooling - The Home Depot.

Can a heat pump keep up with 100 degree weather? ›

If outdoor temperatures reach extreme highs of 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit, then the heat pump's efficiency will be affected, and it will be less able to provide comfortable cooling abilities.

At what temperature should you not use a heat pump? ›

Heat pumps do not operate as efficiently when temperatures drop to between 25 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit for most systems. A heat pump works best when the temperature is above 40. Once outdoor temperatures drop to 40 degrees, heat pumps start losing efficiency, and they consume more energy to do their jobs.

What is the lowest outside temperature for MRCOOL? ›

For example, the lowest temperature setting on the MrCool DIY is 62 degrees. Most mini splits are not going to let you set the temperature down to 50 degrees. But if you're going to be out of the house for a few weeks in the winter, setting the temperature down to a lower temperature is a good idea.

Is MRCOOL a good mini split brand? ›

One of the leading low cost mini split brands is MRCOOL. These mini split units are specifically known for their ease of installation, particularly in their DIY systems, and their heating and cooling capabilities.

Why does my MRCOOL mini split run constantly? ›

Why Do Mini Splits Run All The Time? Your mini-split runs all the time because the heat pump uses Inverter technology to run at various speeds. This way, it's got more settings than just “On” or “Off.”

Why is my MRCOOL Mini split not cold? ›

The most common reasons for a mini split to not blow cold air in the summertime are the wrong thermostat settings, a refrigerant leak, or a clogged condenser coil. Each of these problems requires very different solutions — and costs. Proper maintenance prevents most of them.

How many square feet will a 12000 BTU mini split cool? ›

The most common mini split installed is a 12,000 BTU unit– which can heat or cool up to about 550 square feet. Depending on the size of your home, you may need to install multiple mini split AC systems — perhaps of varying sizes — to adequately heat or cool the property.

How many square feet will a 12000 BTU air conditioner cool? ›

In our experience, a 12,000 BTU portable can work well in a bedroom up to about 200 square feet, and a 14,000 BTU unit will make some difference up to 400 square feet if you can tolerate the noise.

How many square feet will a 24000 BTU mini split heat? ›

A 24,000 BTU system will generally heat and cool a space that is around 1,500 sq. ft.

What company manufactures MRCOOL? ›

What company makes MRCOOL Air Conditioners? All MRCOOL products, including Mini Splits, Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps and Furnaces, are designed, created and manufactured by MRCOOL. Proudly an American company, MRCOOL plans, designs and ships from Kentucky, USA - where both the Headquarters and Warehouse are located.

Does MRCOOL come with electrical wiring? ›

Like all mini-split kits, the electrical is not included and needs to be bought separately. Every electrical setup will be different since the location of the unit and power always changes. If you have no idea how to wire the unit, be sure to call a professional. Mr.

Which brand AC has best cooling system? ›

The Whirlpool 1.0 Ton 5 Star Flexicool Inverter Split AC is one of the most advanced air conditioners in the market. It is designed with the latest technology to give you the comfort and energy savings you need. It features a copper condenser, a convertible 4-in-1 cooling mode, an HD filter and a 2023 model.

What compressor does MRCOOL use? ›

Hermetic reciprocating compressors use pistons driven by a crankshaft to deliver refrigerant at high pressure from the low side to the high side of a refrigeration system.

Which is the most reliable AC brand? ›

List of 10 best AC brands in India
BrandBest Product
PanasonicPanasonic 1.5 Ton Wi-Fi Inverter 5 Star Smart Split AC
VoltasVoltas 1.4 Ton 3 Star Adjustable Inverter Split AC
Blue StarBlue Star 1.5 Ton 3 Star Convertible 4 in 1 Cooling Inverter Split AC
Havells-LloydHavells-Lloyd 1.5 Ton 5 Star Inverter Split AC
6 more rows
Mar 2, 2023

Which is the number one AC in the world? ›

1. Samsung. These qualities have helped them to produce the best Ac in the world.

What is the difference between MRCOOL 3rd generation and 4th generation? ›

The higher the SEER rating, the more efficiently the unit operates. MRCOOL's new 4th GEN DIY single zone offers increased SEER ratings over their 3rd generation counterparts. MRCOOL's 12K single zone unit boasts a 22 SEER rating. The 12K, 18K, and 24K units come with an Energy Star certification.

How big of a MRCOOL do I need? ›

Basic Sizing based on Square Footage alone: 12k BTU = up to 500 square feet. 18k BTU = 450 to 750 square feet. 24k BTU = 700 to 1000 square feet.

Who is the owner of MrCool? ›

Wisdom to Keep You Cool

In case you don't know, I'm Magnus Cool, owner, founder, and fearless leader of MrCool.com. I want to tell you why my company, MrCool, manufactures the best ductless mini-split heat pumps on the market.

How many square feet does MrCool cover? ›

With a capacity of 36,000 BTU and a SEER of 21.5, both 18,000 BTU air handlers will heat or cool an area of up to 750 sq. ft. In addition, you'll be able to install this unit on your own without any help from an HVAC professional.

Does higher SEER mean better cooling? ›

Most industry experts compare a SEER rating to a car's fuel efficiency. The higher the SEER, the more efficient the cooling system should be.

Does 16 SEER cool better than 14 SEER? ›

A 16 SEER AC system is approximately 13 to 14 percent more efficient than a 14 SEER unit. While energy pricing across the country fluctuates (and remember this is at maximum efficiency), a 14 percent savings would save you $13 to $14 for every $100 you spend on your energy bill now.

Should I go with a 13 SEER or 16 SEER? ›

Generally, the higher the SEER, the more efficient it is. If you are dealing with hot days and cool evenings you may want to consider a higher SEER amount. 13 SEER A/C units are single stage, which is cheaper initially but cost more to run in the same amount of time you'd be using the 16 SEER unit.


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.